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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "I had been experiencing severe radiating pain to my right hip and down my leg. I could hardly walk or ride in a car and this was going on three years. Medical Doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong. Dr.Carmon explained to me what was wrong and after four treatments my hip pain was gone. Now I can run and ride in a car without pain. Thank you Dr. Carmon."
    -Amanda Howe
  • "When I first came to Dr. Carmon I had been suffering with neck pain and chronic headaches several times a week for a couple of years. The problem stemmed from a car accident I had been in one year earlier. I was on several medications that just made me feel sleepy and tired. After talking to Dr. Carmon about my condition he then performed some exams and explained to me that this condition was coming from my neck. I no longer have headaches and can work without fear of getting neck pain. I would recommend anyone with neck pain or headaches to see Dr. Carmon."
    - Eric Helm

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